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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2021

Zug um Zug : Wernes Katholiken im Machtspiel zwischen Berlin und Rom (9783754306413)

Der Kulturkampf, ein Machtspiel zwischen Staat und katholischer Kirche, betraf und bewegte die Empfindungen der Katholiken in Deutschland, vor allem im Königreich Preußen, in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts wie kein anderes Ereignis. Die Kleinstadt Werne war besonders betroffen von der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Berlin und Rom, zwischen Bismarck und Pius IX.. Priestern wurde unter harten Strafen verboten, ihre pastoralen Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Das Kapuzinerkloster wurde wie alle Klöster aufgelöst. Der Historiker Karl-Heinz Schwarze ordnet die Ereignisse vor Ort in den europaweiten Zusammenhang ein. Die katholischen Gläubigen, die geschlossen ihrer Kirche die Treue hielten, widerstanden dem staatlichen Druck mit zahlreichen Maßnahmen. Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck hatte den Konflikt ausgelöst. Dieser fand weltweit so großes Interesse, dass der Begriff in anderen Sprachen zum Fremdwort wurde. Eine weitreichende negative Folge des Kampfes war, dass Bismarck im Bündnis mit d

The Passion Book : A Tibetan Guide to Love and Sex (022652017X)

The Passion Book is the most famous work of erotica in the vast literature of Tibetan Buddhism, written by the legendary scholar and poet Gendun Chopel (1903-1951). Soon after arriving in India in 1934, he discovered the Kama Sutra. Realizing that this genre of the erotic was unknown in Tibet, he set out to correct the situation. His sources were two: classical Sanskrit works and his own experiences with his lovers. Completed in 1939, his "treatise on passion" circulated in manuscript form in Tibet, scandalizing and arousing its readers. Gendun Chopel here condemns the hypocrisy of both society and church, portraying sexual pleasure as a force of nature and a human right for all. On page after page, we find the exuberance of someone discovering the joys of sex, made all the more intense because they had been forbidden to him for so long: he had taken the monastic vow of celibacy in his youth and had only recently renounced it. He describes in ecstatic and graphic detail the w

100 Contemporary Artists A-Z (3836514907)

This special two-volume edition features 100 of the most exciting artists from TASCHEN's seminal Art at the Turn of the Millennium and the renowned Art Now! series-gathered in a comprehensive survey of contemporary art at the start of the 21st century. The selection includes a wide variety of works by pioneering artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Marlene Dumas, Damien Hirst, Mike Kelley, Jeff Koons, Albert Oehlen, Richard Prince, Charles Ray, Cindy Sherman, and Christopher Wool-alongside a younger generation including Glenn Brown, Nathalie Djurberg, Tom Friedman, Mark Grotjahn, and Terence Koh.Featured artists include: Franz Ackermann, Ai Weiwei, Doug Aitken, Darren Almond, Francis Alys, Banksy, Matthew Barney, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cosima von Bonin, Monica Bonvicini, Cecily Brown, Glenn Brown, Andre Butzer, Cai Guo-Qiang, Maurizio Cattelan, George Condo, John Currin, Thomas Demand, Rineke Dijkstra, Nathalie Djurberg, Peter Doig, Marlene Dumas, Olafur Eliasson, Elmgreen & Drags

English for Everyone: Level 3: Intermediate, Course Book : A Complete Self-Study Program (9781465447630)

Take your self-study English language learning a step further with the third book in the easy-to-use, visual learning series. English for Everyone Level 3 Intermediate Course Book introduces topics such as telling a story, describing new experiences, relationships, and problem-solving. The step-by-step teaching methods are clear and engaging, making the English language easy to learn by yourself. Key language skills, grammar rules, and vocabulary are explained alongside colorful illustrations to help you put new language into context. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises are set in bite-sized modules, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Free audio is available online to support your language learning, featuring native English speakers. The audio examples help you to build experience of spoken English and give you the chance to perfect your pronunciation. English for Everyone is aligned to the CEFR, the international standard for language learning, and ideal for prepa

Tatuaggio Colorare Libro : Un libro da colorare per adulti, regalo fantastico per gli amanti dei tatuaggi 50 tatuaggi su un lato, fantastici e rilassanti disegni del tatuaggio per uomini e done (9798684104862)

REGALO PERFETTO PER GLI AMANTI DEL TATUAGGIO Teschi, angeli e rose delle bellissime illustrazioni del tatuaggio, il nostro libro da colorare per tatuaggi è un libro fantastico per coloristi adulti. Dai disegni del giorno dei morti ai bei tatuaggi, scoprirai molte immagini rilassanti da colorare Tattoo Coloring Book Tattoo Lovers 50 tatuaggi unilaterali Disegni del tatuaggio fantastici e rilassanti per uomini e donne 8,5 x 11 Libro regalo perfetto per amici o chiunque ami il tatuaggio Tatuaggio Libro da colorare Amanti dei tatuaggi 50 Tatuaggi a una facciata Disegni di tatuaggi fantastici e rilassanti per uomini e donne 8,5 x 11 Libro regalo perfetto per amici o chiunque ami il tatuaggio Product details Format Paperback | 100 pages

Memorias Postumas de Bras Cubas (9781508838951)

Bem-vindo ao universo extraordinario de Machado de Assis, um dos maiores vultos da literatura Luso-Brasileira de sempre. Nesta edição de Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, trazemos até si a melhor edição esta admirável peça literária do final do século XIX. Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas é um romance escrito por Machado de Assis, desenvolvido em princípio como folhetim, de março a dezembro de 1880, e publicado como livro no ano seguinte. O livro marca um tom cáustico e novo estilo na obra de Machado de Assis, bem como audácia e inovação temática no cenário literário nacional, que o fez receber, à época, resenhas estranhadas. Confessando adotar a "forma livre" de Laurence Sterne em seu Tristram Shandy (1759-67), ou de Xavier de Maistre, o autor, com Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, rompe com a narração linear e objetivista de autores proeminentes da época como Flaubert e Zola para retratar o Rio de Janeiro e sua época em geral com pessimismo, ironia e indiferença - um dos fator

Ultimatives Crossfit : Einfache Tipps Fur Aussergewohnliche Ergebnisse (1512321990)

Das Ultimative Crossfit ist das beste Crossfit Buch mit einfachen Tipps um aussergewohnliche Resultate zu erreichen. Jeder Teil des Erfolges wird in diesem Buch abgedeckt, in einer klaren und leicht verstandlichen Weise. Von den besten Nahrungsmittel und Getranken um Ihre Leistung zu steigern bis hin zu Ubungen und WOD's. Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auch auf Ihre Geisteshaltung, Sie werden schwitzen und schmutzig, bleiben motiviert und hungrig der oder die Beste zu sein. Das ist wirklich der einzige Weg, um zu wachsen und Ihre ultimatives Selbst zu werden. Alles kann mit der richtigen Einstellung erreicht werden. Die Autorin Mariana Correa ist eine ehemalige Profi-Sportlerin und zertifizierte Sporternahrungsberaterin, die auf der ganzen Welt erfolgreich konkurrierte. Sie teilt Jahre an Erfahrung sowohl als Sportlerin als auch Trainerin und bringt eine unbezahlbare Perspektive mit hinein. In einem Jahr werden Sie sich wunschen, Sie hatten heute mit dieser Reise begonnen. Fangen Si

Doctor Who: The Many Lives of Doctor Who (9781785868726)

The ultimate celebration of the Doctor's many, many lives, a perfect beginner's guide and a brilliant tribute for long-term fans to enjoy! It's said that your life flashes before your eyes when you die: as the Doctor regenerates from his Twelfth incarnation to her Thirteenth, she relives memories from her many incarnations, showcasing unseen adventures from EVERY version of the Doctor! Product details Format Paperback | 64 pages Dimensions 152.4 x 254 x 5.08mm

Tantra Motivation - Ein Leben in absoluter Liebe (3741827908)

Tantra Motivation zeigt Ihnen authentisches Tantra - unverfälscht und echt! Fernab von "Massagepraktiken" erfahren sie hier, was es bedeutet, ein echter Tantriker/Tantrikerin zu werden. Sie werden erfahren, was Tantra wirklich ist und was es nicht ist. Die Informationen sind fundiert und werden auf einfache Weise vermittelt. Dies ist kein theoretisches Buch über den Tantrismus, sondern es ist ein 100% Praxis Buch, mit dem Sie sofort arbeiten können, unabhängig von Ihren jeweiligen Vorkenntnissen. Die Übungen, die Sie hier vorfinden, sind reines Dynamit für Ihre persönliche, spirituelle Entwicklung! Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie Zugang zu einer kompletten und vollständigen Neuübersetzung des "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra", einem essenziellen tantrischen Text, der in dieser Form noch nicht veröffentlicht wurde. Baboji, der für seine kontroversen Werke "Radikale Erleuchtung" Teil 1 und Teil 2 bekannt ist, liefert mit diesem neuen Buch ein erstaunlich praktisches Werk

Dr. Annie Dove Denmark : South Carolina's First Female College President (9781609492120)

A woman ahead of her time, the remarkable Dr. Annie Dove Denmark dedicated her life to higher education and the youth of her day. As the first female college president of both Anderson College and in the state of South Carolina, Dr. Denmark faced many challenges in keeping the school open and thriving through the Great Depression and World War II. Through her commitment to both the school and her faith, Dr. Denmark was able to accomplish what many thought was impossible. This compilation of materials, written by the friends and colleagues who knew her best, includes a biography of Dr. Denmark written by Kathryn Copeland, her coworker for twenty-seven years, and features a collection of wonderful images straight from the college archives. Product details Format Paperback | 144

The Observer (9780979632815)

A wealth of rich emotion, The Observer is a collection of poetry on life, love, and loss. Daniel Craig Toney draws the reader into his heart, courts you, and cries out to you. His moving rhyme will leave you teary-eyed, yet inspired to move forward. The author's powerful observations motivate you to cherish the ones you hold dear. Product details Format Paperback | 108 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 6mm | 171g

Dark Testament : and Other Poems (9781631494833)

There has been explosive interest in the life of Pauli Murray, as reflected in a recent profile in The New Yorker, the publication of a definitive biography, and a new Yale University college in her name. Murray has been suddenly cited by leading historians as a woman who contributed far more to the civil rights movement than anyone knew, being arrested in 1940-fifteen years before Rosa Parks-for refusing to give up her seat on a Virginia bus. Celebrated by twenty-first-century readers as a civil rights activist on the level of King, Parks, and John Lewis, she is also being rediscovered as a gifted writer of memoir, sermons, and poems. Originally published in 1970 and long unavailable, Dark Testament and Other Poems attests to her fierce lyrical powers. At turns song, prayer, and lamentation, Murray's poems speak to the brutal history of slavery and Jim Crow and the dream of racial justice and equality. Product details

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita : Explained by Paramahansa Yogananda as Remembered by His Disciple Swami Kriyananda (9781565892262)

A direct disciple of the spiritual master author of Autobiography of a Yogi reveals the deep allegorical meanings of India's best-loved scripture from a new perspective, sharing practical advice on such topics as achieving victory in life in union with the divine, preparing for life's end, and what happens after death. Product details Format Paperback | 684 pages Dimensions 159 x 228 x 45mm | 612.35g

Chair Caning & Seat Weaving Handbook : Illustrated Directions for Cane, Rush, and Tape Seats (1565235568)

Revive your worn and damaged chairs! Restore and repair your antique or worn-out chairs with the techniques in this handy guide. By learning how to make repairs yourself, you'll be able to skip the high costs of professional craftsmen. With clear demonstrations of weaving patterns and processes, Chair Caning & Seat Weaving Handbook will guide you through preparing your chair, gathering the required tools, weaving, and finishing it. Even beginners will enjoy success using these easy-to-understand, illustrated, step-by-step instructions for each project including: " Cane Seats " Shaker Tape Seats " and Rush Seats Product details Format Paperback | 31 pages

CBD or Cannabidiol : CBD & Cannabis Medicine; Essential Guide to Cannabinoids and Medical Marijuana (9492788039)

Discover the relaxing, pain relieving and curing applications of cannabinoids (CBD) The medicinal use of cannabis dates back more than 5000 years. In ancient China, the plant was well known and widely used for its medicinal applications. Today we are faced by new challenges in the medical world. Cancer, anxiety and PTSD are just some of them... The marijuana flowers consist out of 482 active components. With the acknowledgment of the healing powers of cannabis and its active component cannabidiol (CBD), the future of medical applications of marijuana looks very bright. CBD offers tremendous therapeutic value and serves as one of nature's best available medicine. In this book, you'll learn; CBD, what it is, how it works and how it changes lives for the better THC, what does it do, what does it offer and why does it have medical benefits Cannabidiol's healing effects Personal applications of CBD Easy recipes to make hemp oil Cannabidiol is used for people who suffer from Acne

The Changing of the Guard : The British army since 9/11 (9781922310279)

A revelatory, explosive new analysis of the British military today. Over the first two decades of the twenty-first century, Britain has changed enormously. During this time, the British Army fought two campaigns, in Iraq and Afghanistan, at considerable financial and human cost. Yet neither war achieved its objectives. This book questions why, and provides challenging but necessary answers. Composed of assiduous documentary research, field reportage, and hundreds of interviews with many soldiers and officers who served, as well as the politicians who directed them, the allies who accompanied them, and the family members who loved and - on occasion - lost them, it is a strikingly rich, nuanced portrait of one of Britain's pivotal national institutions in a time of great stress. Award-winning journalist Simon Akam, who spent a year in the army when he was 18, returned a decade later to see how the institution had changed. His book examines the relevance of the armed forces today - th

Pirate Chains : Strong tides (1726436942)

A chain and a collar can restrain a man, but the innocence of an angel breaks the devil. Once upon a time, there was a nobleman and Nyx was his name. He was respectful, principled, and handsome. The young man owned several ships and managed his late-father's fishing business. He spent the past few years doing nothing but taking care of his mother and older sister, and struggling to deal with the selfishness of his stepfather. One day, the fates threw him into a dangerous predicament and he found himself being saved by the devil. Agenor, Captain of the Martina pirate crew. Strong and ruthless, Agenor was known across the sea as 'the Devil'. At their first encounter, Agenor couldn't help but be enchanted by the innocent angel. Drawn to him, he entrapped him and abused him. He didn't listen to Nyx's pleas and repeatedly denied him escape. This story depicts Nyx's adventure as he struggled to live among pirates, avoided their bullying and harassment, and discove

Secretos para ganar en los mercados alcistas y bajistas (9788493622626)

En este libro, Stan Weinstein presenta un método simple basado en una teoría de indicadores que dibujan la evolución inmediata de las cotizaciones para que el inversor analice las tendencias y cree estrategias que le permitan alcanzar un éxito por encima de la media. A través de gráficos de cotizaciones, medias móviles y estadísticas, Stan Weisntein se aleja de los métodos clásicos de previsión económica y análisis financiero y aboga por el uso de métodos técnicos como la línea de avances-retrocesos o el momentum (medida del impulso del mercado). Con un lenguaje asequible y numerosos ejemplos, explica con sencillez cómo aplicar las reglas del análisis técnico y mejorar los resultados de las operaciones en bolsa. Product details Format Paperback | 364 pages

Fujifilm X-E3 : Für bessere Fotos von Anfang an! (3832802878)

Die Fujifilm X-E3 ist eine außergewöhnliche Systemkamera, die ambitionierten Fotografen und Kameraliebhabern großartige Aufnahmen ermöglicht. Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Besitzer einer X-E3, die die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten ihrer Kamera entdecken und besser nutzen möchten. Erschließen Sie, zusammen mit den erfahrenen Autoren, kreative Möglichkeiten, um wundervolle und einzigartige Fotos aufzunehmen. Durch die praxisnahe Darstellung der Inhalte im Buch wird dem Leser das erforderliche Wissen zur Kamera geboten, um typische wie anspruchsvolle Fotoszenarien erfolgreich zu meistern. Zahlreiche Tipps zu Zubehör, Objektiven und Software runden das Buch gelungen ab. Aus dem Inhalt: - Die Fuji X-E3 kennenlernen - Die drei Säulen der Kamerabedienung - Bilder aufnehmen und betrachten - Sofort starten mit dem Auto-Modus - Kreative Effekte mit den erweiterten Filtern - Aufnahme-Programme für jede Situation - Vier Wege zur guten Belichtung - Automatisch Motive scharf stellen - Beweg

Sombra y hueso (9788415709350)

Inspirada en la Rusia zarista, Sombra y Hueso presenta un mundo de magia e intrigas palaciegas que mantiene al lector enganchado gracias a su original planteamiento, al continuo suspense y a giros argumentales impresionantes. Libro bestseller del New York Times, Los Angeles Times y Mejor Libro del Año en Amazon. David Heyman, el productor de las adaptaciones al cine de Harry Potter, se encargará también de producir la película de Sombra y Hueso. Incluye un espectacular mapa del mundo de los Grisha. Primer tomo de la trilogía fantástica juvenil más importante del momento en Estados Unidos, un refrescante cambio de rumbo frente a la moda de las distopías que se ha publicado con éxito en más de 17 países. Sombra y Hueso fue para Rick Riordan su libro favorito de 2012, y lo recomendó tanto para jóvenes como para adultos. Product details Format

Strength Training Anatomy (0736092269)

Over 1 million copies sold! With new exercises, additional stretches, and more of Frederic Delavier's signature illustrations, you'll gain a whole new understanding of how muscles perform during strength exercises. This one-of-a-kind best-seller combines the visual detail of top anatomy texts with the best of strength training advice. Many books explain what muscles are used during exercise, but no other resource brings the anatomy to life like Strength Training Anatomy. Over 600 full-color illustrations reveal the primary muscles worked along with all the relevant surrounding structures, including bones, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue. Like having an X-ray for each exercise, the anatomical depictions show both superficial and deep layers and detail how various setup positions affect muscle recruitment and emphasize underlying structures. New pages show common strength training injuries in a fascinating light and offer precautions to help you exercise safely. Author

[PDF FREE] The Crowning Venture : Inspiration from Women Who Have Memorized the Quran (0999299034) By Hafiza

If you've ever sighed wistfully upon hearing of someone memorizing the Quran, wishing it was something you could do, too, then prepare to replace that wistfulness with determination! Filled with inspirational stories for your heart and memorization techniques for your mind, The Crowning Venture reminds us that memorizing the Quran is not an achievement to be conquered, it's a journey to savor. A journey YOU can make. Product details Format Paperback | 156 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 9mm

Digital Design, Global Edition (9781292231167)

For introductory courses on digital design in an Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science department. A clear and accessible approach to the basic tools, concepts, and applications of digital design A modern update to a classic, authoritative text, Digital Design, 6th Edition teaches the fundamental concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The text presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications. Like the previous editions, this edition of Digital Design supports a multimodal approach to learning, with a focus on digital design, regardless of language. Recognizing that three public-domain languages-Verilog, VHDL, and SystemVerilog-all play a role in design flows for today's digital devices, the 6th Edition offers parallel tracks of presentation of multiple languages, but allows concentration on a single, chosen language.

How to Train Your Dragon: How To Cheat A Dragon's Curse : Book 4 (9780340999103)

Read the HILARIOUS books that inspired the HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON films! Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is a smallish Viking with a longish name. Hiccup's father is chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe which means Hiccup is the Hope and the Heir to the Hairy Hooligan throne - but most of the time Hiccup feels like a very ordinary boy, finding it hard to be a Hero. Hiccup's best friend Fishlegs thinks he has a nasty cold, but Old Wrinkly has diagnosed . . . VORPENTITIS, caused by the sting of a Venomous Vorpent, which is pretty much ALWAYS FATAL! The only antidote is the Vegetable-that-No-one-Dares-Name - the POTATO. But the only way for Hiccup to find the cure is to face Norbert the Nutjob and the terrifying Sea Dragon, the DOOMFANG. Can Hiccup survive the quest to save his best friend - and discover how to cheat a dragon's curse? How to Train Your Dragon is now a major DreamWorks franchise starring Gerard Butler, Cate Blanchett and Jonah Hill and the TV series, Riders

Operating System Concepts (9781119800361)

The tenth edition of Operating System Concepts has been revised to keep it fresh and up-to-date with contemporary examples of how operating systems function, as well as enhanced interactive elements to improve learning and the student's experience with the material. It combines instruction on concepts with real-world applications so that students can understand the practical usage of the content. End-of-chapter problems, exercises, review questions, and programming exercises help to further reinforce important concepts. New interactive self-assessment problems are provided throughout the text to help students monitor their level of understanding and progress. A Linux virtual machine (including C and Java source code and development tools) allows students to complete programming exercises that help them engage further with the material. Product details Format

A First Course in Probability, Global Edition (9781292269207)

For upper-level to graduate courses in Probability or Probability and Statistics, for majors in mathematics, statistics, engineering, and the sciences. Explores both the mathematics and the many potential applications of probability theory A First Course in Probability offers an elementary introduction to the theory of probability for students in mathematics, statistics, engineering, and the sciences. Through clear and intuitive explanations, it attempts to present not only the mathematics of probability theory, but also the many diverse possible applications of this subject through numerous examples. The 10th Edition includes many new and updated problems, exercises, and text material chosen both for inherent interest and for use in building student intuition about probability. Product details Format Paperback