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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Zug um Zug : Wernes Katholiken im Machtspiel zwischen Berlin und Rom (9783754306413)

Der Kulturkampf, ein Machtspiel zwischen Staat und katholischer Kirche, betraf und bewegte die Empfindungen der Katholiken in Deutschland, vor allem im Königreich Preußen, in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts wie kein anderes Ereignis. Die Kleinstadt Werne war besonders betroffen von der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Berlin und Rom, zwischen Bismarck und Pius IX.. Priestern wurde unter harten Strafen verboten, ihre pastoralen Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Das Kapuzinerkloster wurde wie alle Klöster aufgelöst. Der Historiker Karl-Heinz Schwarze ordnet die Ereignisse vor Ort in den europaweiten Zusammenhang ein. Die katholischen Gläubigen, die geschlossen ihrer Kirche die Treue hielten, widerstanden dem staatlichen Druck mit zahlreichen Maßnahmen. Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck hatte den Konflikt ausgelöst. Dieser fand weltweit so großes Interesse, dass der Begriff in anderen Sprachen zum Fremdwort wurde. Eine weitreichende negative Folge des Kampfes war, dass Bismarck im Bündnis mit d

Plyo-Flex : Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (9780995795266)

Plyo-Flex is a system of plyometric exercises and intensive flexibility training designed to increase your kicking power, speed, flexibility and skill level. Based on scientific principles, Plyo-Flex exercises will boost your muscles, joints and nervous system interfaces to the next performance level. After only a few weeks of training, you should see a marked improvement in the speed of your kicks and footwork, the power of your kicks, the height of your jumps, your stamina and your overall flexibility. Hundreds of illustrations and photographs will guide you through the basic plyometric and stretching exercises. Once you've mastered the basics, add the kicking-oriented variations to your workout for an extra challenge. Plyo-Flex is packed with exercises and drills proven to boost kicking performance while building strength, speed and flexibility. The first edition of this book was reviewed and rated at 4.2 stars by Amazon customers. A representative review reads as follows: "

The Hot Detox Plan : Cleanse Your Body and Heal Your Gut with Warming, Anti-inflammatory Foods (9781401951955)

The Hot Detox is an incredible tool that has the potential to truly transform your life. Whether you have a skin disorder, allergies, belly bloating or irritable bowel syndrome, this tool works by taking stress off your digestive system until it is restored. In the past, detoxification was traditionally done in the spring and fall when temperatures were moderate and fresh greens were plentiful. However, the popularity of New Year's resolutions in January pushes many people to want to cleanse in the heart of winter. But this goes against common sense. In the winter, we need to keep our fires burning to cope with a cooler climate. The Hot Detox is a deep cleansing programme that serves up a delicious, warming menu with anti-inflammatory remedies that spark digestive vitality. It embraces the ancient wisdom of India and China, applying the time-tested intelligence of warming up the body's core. The Hot Detox Plan is a soul-satisfying, 5-step detox plan that uses metabolism-boos

Implementation of Mental Health Programs in Schools : A Change Agent's Guide (9781433819421)

Many excellent mental health promas are proven to meet various needs in children, and schools are an ideal place to implement such programs. Yet school psychologists often face challenges when implementing them. They have to secure support from people in authority as well as key stakeholders, provide effective training and supervision, ensure that organizational structures support the implementation, and make appropriate adaptations to suit the specific context whilw also maintaining fidelity to core program components. In this book Susan Forman explains how to successfully implement mental health programs in schools. She summarizes the research on implementation science and most important, translates it into practice for schools. Change agents will find practical, research-based guidance for every aspect of implementation. Product details Format

Trauma e psicopatologia. Un approccio evolutivo-relazionale (9788834015384)

Questo libro propone una riformulazione del trauma in termini evolutivo-relazionali, come risultato della mancata elaborazione delle emozioni traumatiche, ovvero di quelle emozioni non simbolizzate nell'ambito delle relazioni primarie. Il bambino, se maltrattato, non può sviluppare l'autostima e la capacità di comprendere gli stati mentali propri e dell'altro, qualità necessarie a esplorare con fiducia l'ambiente circostante e quindi a costruire relazioni significative. Le esperienze croniche di trascuratezza hanno effetti negativi su svariate aree del funzionamento del bambino dando origine, ad esempio, a somatizzazione, difficoltà di sintonizzazione emotiva, mancanza di controllo degli impulsi, come anche, nei casi più gravi, a stati dissociativi. La perdita di una base sicura, insomma, rappresenta una condizione traumatica capace di predisporre il soggetto alla depressione, alla dipendenza patologica, ai disturbi del comportamento alimentare. E non sempre è in relazi