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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2021

Zug um Zug : Wernes Katholiken im Machtspiel zwischen Berlin und Rom (9783754306413)

Der Kulturkampf, ein Machtspiel zwischen Staat und katholischer Kirche, betraf und bewegte die Empfindungen der Katholiken in Deutschland, vor allem im Königreich Preußen, in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts wie kein anderes Ereignis. Die Kleinstadt Werne war besonders betroffen von der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Berlin und Rom, zwischen Bismarck und Pius IX.. Priestern wurde unter harten Strafen verboten, ihre pastoralen Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Das Kapuzinerkloster wurde wie alle Klöster aufgelöst. Der Historiker Karl-Heinz Schwarze ordnet die Ereignisse vor Ort in den europaweiten Zusammenhang ein. Die katholischen Gläubigen, die geschlossen ihrer Kirche die Treue hielten, widerstanden dem staatlichen Druck mit zahlreichen Maßnahmen. Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck hatte den Konflikt ausgelöst. Dieser fand weltweit so großes Interesse, dass der Begriff in anderen Sprachen zum Fremdwort wurde. Eine weitreichende negative Folge des Kampfes war, dass Bismarck im Bündnis mit d

Metodologia de la Investigacion Clinica : Las 5 herramientas del investigador (1986727645)

El primer paso de un investigador es su pregunta de investigación, es decir ¿Cuál es tu problema?, ¿Qué quieres saber? Cuando definas en forma sencilla pero muy clara tu pregunta damos el inicio a la investigación. Para poder ayudar a precisar más nuestra pregunta debemos leer lo publicado sobre ese tema de la pregunta y van a ocurrir dos posibilidades: Todo está muy claro y la duda era sólo mí falta de conocimiento o realmente sí se necesita investigar. En este libro aprenderás en cinco (5) módulos, a través de 27 capítulos como convertirte en investigador. Los 5 módulos desarrollados son: Lectura crítica de la literatura biomédica, Internet para investigadores, como desarrollar un protocolo de investigación, crear y analizar base de datos y publicación en revistas y libros. Product details Format Paperback

The Ideal City : Exploring Urban Futures (9783899558623)

The city is an always changing human experiment. But in the last half century, it has changed more than ever before - with little sign of slowing down. As this phenomenon takes place, an increasing number of architects, innovators and policy-makers are rethinking the city to make the most of space and resources. This book chronicles the design of urban futures. From apps designed to curb food waste to inventive fresh water infrastructure, The Ideal City explores the many initiatives and experiments, all with the shared goal of making the cities of tomorrow a happier, healthier and more inclusive place to be. Product details Format Hardback | 256 pages Dimensions

A Guide for Sustaining Conversations on Racism, Identity, and our Mutual Humanity (9781516519897)

A Guide for Sustaining Conversations on Racism, Identity, and our Mutual Humanity is a hands-on guide for teachers, students, and agency professionals seeking to respond skillfully and sensitively to the often daunting challenges of classrooms, as students demand both answers and accountability concerning issues of race, power, privilege, and oppression and the emotional responses they provoke. The guide includes suggestions to implement before entering the classroom, so that the necessary personal, community, and institutional infrastructure can support authentic, sustainable conversations. It discusses how educators can respond appropriately in the classroom to the hot-button issues of the day. There are also lessons for critical pedagogy and management that help educators reimagine classrooms and learn to create mutually supportive learning environments. Written by four experienced anti-racist educators and practitioners, the book takes a direct, compassionate approach designed to d

Practical Aspects of Memory: Current Research and Issues, Volume 1 : Memory of Everyday Life (0471912344)

These two volumes will form one of the largest single collection of current research in applied memory studies, one of the principle areas of expanding research in applied cognitive psychology. The books arose from the 2nd International Conference on Aspects of Memory held in Swansea in August 1987 - the first conference was held ten years ago - and contained selected and refereed papers from eminent psychologists working in the field of memory, and actively engaged in applied memory research. Product details Format Hardback | 580 pages Dimensions 160 x 237

La bruja autosanadora : fórmulas mágicas para mimar tu cuerpo, tu mente y tu espíritu (9788417851095)

APRENDE A NUTRIR TU MENTE Y TU ESPÍRITU CON ESTA GUÍA ENCANTADA Las mujeres modernas queremos cuidarnos y sentirnos bien, y para ello, nada mejor que contar con el mágico respaldo de la brujería. En La bruja autosanadora encontrarás consejos sobre cómo mimar tu cuerpo, tu mente y tu espíritu con hechizos, meditaciones, mantras y poderosas actividades que te ayudarán a mantener la salud, aliviar el estrés, superar la tristeza, canalizar la alegría y abrazar tu propia fortaleza. Sorpréndete con remedios tan mágicos como: • Un ritual terapéutico para librarte de la culpa, con el que aprenderás a quemar lo que te causa dolor, a procesar los recuerdos tristes y a trabajar tus emociones más intensas. • Una meditación con la que reconectarás con las energías sanadoras de la naturaleza —aunque vivas en una ciudad bulliciosa—, que forma parte de una serie de meditaciones basadas en los elementos y los sentidos. • Una exclusiva receta para crear tu propia crema corporal relajante e hidratante, d

Healing Prayers : 30 Powerful Prophetic Prayers & Declarations For Divine Healing: A Special Prayer Plan for Instant Total Healing & Divine Health (9781544862972)

I have experienced divine healing several times in my life. My healing experiences has taught me that God will heal us over and over again, not because we are perfect or holy, but because He wants us to be healthy and sound to be able to live a great life and do His will. My experience has taught me that getting healed is very, very easy. Many times, it's we that try to make things complicated. The enemy tries to convince us that we are sinners, that we've done a lot of bad things and so not qualified for healing. But the scripture says that God forgives our sins and heals our diseases. Never allow the devil to play with your mind that because you've sinned before now, that you'll die. The devil is good at playing mind games with people. He'll try to convince you that you're not qualified for God's healing. It doesn't matter what they call it: Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke, ADHD, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Ebola, Epilepsy, Genital Herp

Animal Money (9781621052128)

A living form of money results in the unraveling of the world. "The bank is there to save and lend." "-Workers work and customers spend." Product details Format Paperback | 788 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 44mm | 984g Publication date 01 Nov 2015

Retro Air Jordan : Shoes: A Detailed Coloring Book for Adults and Kids (9781543279962)

Hours of fun coloring and learning about your favorite Air Jordan shoes from the past or designing the new Air Jordan's for the future! Includes: -A 1-page bio behind the Jordan Brand, the history of how Nike signed Michael Jordan (when he really wanted Adidas!) and the details of the original endorsement contract! - High quality illustrations of Air Jordan 1 through Air Jordan 23 with the history behind each sneaker and it's design! - 5 different 'design-your-own-Jordan' templates - Many pages of Jordan Extras - Sample pages from 2nd book in series: "Michael Jordan's Greatest Moments An Inspirational Coloring Book Biography for Adults and Kids" 80 pages, printed on white paper with no backside printing (1 illustration per page). If you liked this book, you will love Anthony Curcio's newest release "NBA Design: Shoes, Logos and Jerseys The Ultimate Creative Coloring Book for Adults and Kids! " NBA Design includes all 30 team logos, jerse

L'Istinto Delle Falene (9781540542359)

Livia Terracciani è una giornalista trentenne e precaria a cui propongono di fare l'addetto stampa in un istituto per disabili mentali, con uno stipendio fisso. Nel suo animo non è felice: "gli handicappati," così pensa, la mettono a disagio perché le trasmettono l'idea angosciosa di vite prigioniere in stanze buie, destini senza scelta. Ma l'istituto è grande, un vero "paese dei matti," dove vive un'umanità di confine, una frontiera in cui il concetto di vita si reimpara.A farle da guida, come una specie di Virgilio, sarà un enorme disabile in carrozzina, Aronne, deforme e quasi completamente paralizzato, ossessionato dal sesso ma dall'intelligenza tanto spietata quanto sarcastica. Fra lui e Livia nasce una curiosa amicizia: lui l'aiuta a capire cosa vuol dire vivere una vita sempre uguale a se stessa, quanto è profondo l'istinto di essere liberi, lei comincerà a chiedersi quante forme di libertà ci sono, e quanti tipi di vita si possono

Walking with Families Through the Dying Process (1508503109)

Death comes to all of us, but most are uncomfortable and unsure when it comes to that final journey. Patricia Robertson's book helps families that are facing the terminal diagnosis of a loved one. She provides insights into the dying process and tips how best to help families through this process. A valuable resource for families, counselors, ministers and lay people. Chapters include: The Faces of Death, The Acute-Crisis Phase, The Chronic Living with Dying Phase, The Terminal Phase, Children and Death, Seniors, and Tips for Caregivers. Product details Format Paperback | 62 pages Dimensions 127